I recently encountered a problem that can be solved efficiently with Fenwich Tree, aka Binary Indexed Tree. This is the notes about how to explain the algorithm to myself.
Section 1. The (simplified) problem example and manual solution.
Step 1. The problem: Given an input array, nums = [1004, 1009, 1006, 1001, 1002, 1005, 1003, 9999]
, how to efficiently do sum for any ranges, if element updates allowed?
Step 2. To sum up the first 7
elements, we do (in Python) total = sum(nums[0:7])
, or verbosely total = nums[0] + nums[1] + nums[2] + nums[3] + nums[4] + nums[5] + nums[6]
. Notation [0:7]
in Python means range from 0 to 6, equivalent to the math close-open notation [0, 7)
. Why 7
? Because it is complex enough to demonstrate the thinking process, yet simple enough to manually iterate through.
Step 3. Pause a bit and think about the number 7
. It can be expressed as 4 + 2 + 1
, and that's exactly the binary representation b111 = b100 + b010 + b001
Step 4. Similarly, the range [0:7]
can break into groups as [0:4]+[4:6]+[6:7]
. Or explicitly total = (nums[0] + nums[1] + nums[2] + nums[3]) + (nums[4] + nums[5]) + (nums[6])
, where counts of elements coincide with the binary representation of the number 7
Step 5. We can build an aux array to store the partial sums needed in Step 4, such that total = aux[4] + aux[6] + aux[7]
. Here both nums
and aux
are 0-indexed arrays, for the clarity of implementations in practice, instead of mathematical beautifulness with 1-indexed arrays. Obviously: aux[4] = nums[0]+nums[1]+nums[2]+nums[3]
aux[6] = nums[4]+nums[5]
aux[7] = nums[6]
Step 6. Now again examine the number 7
, and relate the indices of aux
used in Step 5, which are 7, 6 and 4
, or b111, b110 and b100
in binary representation. This is where the Binary Indexed in the name of the algorithm is from. Now we found the sum/query method. Given an index number (7) to sum up to, the indices of the aux
array are: the number itself (7 or b111), chop off the last 1 in the previous number (6 or b110), and chop off the last 1 in the previous number (4 or b100), and chop off the last 1 again gives 0 so we stop.
Step 7. Now we can fill all aux
elements, with ranges of nums
. Note that aux[i]
is determined by its start position and length in nums
Start: i-1
. For example, aux[6]
starts at 5
in nums
Length: the value of last set bit. For example, aux[6]
has length of 2
, because 6==b110
and the value of the last set bit is b10==2
Section 2. The algorithm
Step 1. The query_sum function (assume we already have aux
built). Given an index i, find the sum of range [0:i]
. For a number i
, the trick to chop off the last 1 (called the last set bit) is i-(i&-i)
. The query takes O(logn)
time, because the tree depth is bound by logn
. That's why there is Tree in the name of this algorithm.
def query_sum(self, i):
res = 0
while i > 0:
res += self.aux[i]
i -= i & -i
return res
Step 2. The update function (assume we already have aux
built). Given an index i
for nums
, and a new value
, update aux
. The tricky part is, how to find all elements in aux
that are affected by the change of nums[i]
. Obviously aux[j]
where j=i+1
is always affected. Then j+j&-j
recursively until j
is out of bound of aux
, which can be observed if we reverse the aux-nums mapping above, to a nums-aux mapping (note to self: need more thinking here). The update takes O(lgn) time, as it's also bounded by the depth of the tree.
def update(self, i, value):
diff = value - self.nums[i]
self.nums[i] = value
i += 1
while i < len(self.nums)+1:
self.aux[i] += diff
i += i & -i
Step 3. Build aux
. Simply iterate through nums
and call update on the index i
def __init__(self, nums):
self.nums = [0] * len(nums)
self.aux = [0] * (len(nums) + 1)
for i, v in enumerate(nums):
self.update(i, v)
Originally published at http://runtimee.wordpress.com on November 14, 2019.